Service: Improve customer experiences


Customer loyalty always pays off!

Studies show that over 90% of customers are well served in the service, receive competent answers and assess the service calls as very professional. However, the same studies also show that 80% of these customers would be willing to switch competitors when they receive the right offers … conversely, only 20% of customers are actually loyal.

LearnVision assists you in generating loyal customers from satisfied customers and supports you in the implementation of your service strategies (including selling in service, cross-selling). Rely on our service expertise to turn every service call into a positive customer experience.

Selecting the right actions for your situation, needs and targets and implementing an efficient training solution with a focus on sustainability and impact are the core tasks of LearnVision. Our objective is to ensure that your customer service is successful in the market, that your customers are enthusiastic, and that your service employees and managers are fit for the new challenges (including digitization, Industry 4.0).

Our exclusive partner, Success Analytics, has been dedicated to measuring and implementing learning for more than 25 years worldwide. The resulting know-how already helps more than 5,000 companies to analyse and successfully control their HRD processes and training. Studies of particularly successful projects and actions are separately analysed at Success Analytics to determine the implementation success factors and the best-practice skills that have a sustainable impact – the foundation of our performance for you. Take advantage of this know-how exclusively at LearnVision to efficiently implement success-relevant learning content.

Highlights from our learning methodology
  • Research with successful ROI-based skills and a clear focus on sustainability and impact
  • Highly practical, research-based C3 learning model for best learning transfer Request our study.
  • Learning mix: classroom, e-learning, virtual classroom training (VCT), blended learning
  • Methods and tools for managers to increase skills in the work place (Reinforce from 20% to 80%).
  • TTT-capable to transfer the know-how to you
  • ACTIV approach for a successful implementation

From seminars for beginners to seminars for long-term service employees, we support you with our comprehensive qualifications. The trainings are aimed at service, marketing and managers. The learning content and implementation are customizedto your needs based on your strategy, individual performance levels of your employees and the learning culture in your company and with a focus on sustainability. The result is performance-related learning content, which is implemented by using the C3 model according to the latest psychological learning methods and as needed in a learning mix (classroom, virtual or blended with e-learning).

To ensure a high level of sustainability, all our best-practice based trainingsinclude pre-study, research-based learning materials, practice references and learning-transfer-tools. Our ACTIV-tools support the managers and the organization in the successful implementation.

Overview Learning concepts

* Training with Best-Practice-Skills as Learning mix and match: Classroom trainings, e-learning, VCT, blended learning

Please ask for details and our sustainable research.

Overview Learning concepts

Learning Process - LearnVision

* Training with Best-Practice-Skills as Learning mix and match: Classroom trainings, e-learning, VCT, blended learning

Please ask for details and our sustainable research.

Business Workshops (NEW)
  • Objective: professionally develop service potentials with external support to increase your sales.
  • Trainers from your industry help your employees and / or managers in the service to achieve their objectives.
  • Professional preparation, implementation and follow-up for qualitative implementation with learning transfer to ensure sustainability.

We are happy to provide further information

times cheaper to keep customers than to acquire new customers


of customers are not loyal


increase of loyal customers


ROI on Service Excellence Initiative

Sales - Service Sells

Service Sells

More and more companies are moving on to using the good service contacts to position new / further products and services with the customer (including selling in service, cross-selling).

LearnVision assists you in managing the fine line from a reactive professional service employee to an active service business partner.

Here is an overview of our worldwide successful training that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning success:

Service Sells

Service Sells

Challenges and opportunities in service, “bridge” from service to sales, recognize when can be sold, open sales dialogue, collect information, convey information, deal with doubts and misunderstandings, close sales dialogue, selling products and services in a beneficial way

Service Sells Values

Service Sells Values

Customer orientation from the customer’s point of view, understanding Value-Based Selling, preparation of conversations, open dialogue, questioning techniques, needs analysis, completion techniques, dealing with customer objections, convincing techniques, identifying potentials at the customer

Service Sells Economically

Service Sells Economically

Economic selling, business administration for service (legal form, balance sheet, profit, etc.), influence on service: business arguments, economic considerations, TCO, economical conceptual

Solution Selling in Service

Solution Selling in Service

Value chains, develop solution profiles for your service in relation to markets, target groups against competitors, working out exclusive benefits, value proposition, dealing with stumbling blocks / objections, implementation strategy

Digital Service Selling NEW

Digital Service Selling

Challenges in digitization for customers and service, integration with customer planning processes, 5-C model, value chain: impact hypotheses / impact analyses, “digital selling” process, plan strategy, involve decision makers, sales as a partner

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Develop loyal customers

Only 20% of customers are loyal to studies and do not change, and loyal customers buy more, pay higher prices, and recommend them to others.

LearnVision supports your service to turn each service call into a positive customer experience (objective as well as emotional) in order to turn satisfied customers into loyal customers.

develop loyal customers

Here is an overview of our worldwide trainings that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning.

Service – Customer View

Service – Customer View

Challenges from the customer’s point of view, mastering “moments of truth”, from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty, human / business model: objective and emotional service, service chain, generating “positive opinions” about customer performance, achieve first-rate performance by meeting customer expectations professionally

Cope with Stress in Service

Cope with Stress in Service

Development of stress, stressors (distress, eustress), emotion-oriented and problem-oriented coping, dyadic coping, work-life-balance, manage stress positively

Difficult Customer Conversations

Difficult Customer Conversations

Challenges in service calls, effective process of a service call, communication methods, call control for effective customer discussions, create positive service calls, language skills, active listening, achieve more-service, dealing with difficult customer discussions

Develop loyal customers

Develop loyal customers

The “customer scale”, difference satisfaction and loyalty from the customer’s point of view, study “How customer loyalty pays off”, potential of the silent majority, act professional: look, body language, gestures, tone of voice, wording, , EMPATHY principles to inspire customers

Win Back Unsatisfied Customer

Win Back Unsatisfied Customer

Need to see reclamation as an opportunity, study: “what dissatisfied customers expect”, Knowing TRUST steps to capture customer feedback, WIN BACK tactics to recapture customers, find situation- and customer-oriented solutions

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Strategic Service

Strategic Service

Optimizing customer-supplier chains and customer relationships are ways to a strategic service as a profit centre.

LearnVision helps you make your services more profitable.

Here is an overview of our worldwide trainings that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning.

Service as Profitcenter

Service as Profitcenter

Service chain, change from cost centre to profit centre, key activities, performance criteria, roles, tasks and behaviour in the profit centre, action plan

Time and Priority Management

Time and Priority Management

Analyse strengths / weaknesses, prioritize and delegate your own tasks, set realistic objectives, identify time-wasters, optimize active sales time

Use Communication Digitally

Use Communication Digitally

Digitalization challenges for customers and service, developing digital service chain, coordinating communication process with customers

Interlink Customer Relationships

Interlink Customer Relationships

Human / business model, definition of performance criteria from the customer’s point of view (objective and emotional), key activities from the customer’s point of view, optimizations and phases of customer relations

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Management and Coaching

Our studies from 500 selected projects show that managers have the greatest impact on sustainability.

We develop your managers as “promoters and supporters“.

Service - Management and Coaching

The following trainings give your managers important competencies to successfully challenge and support employees in their daily work and thus reach the objectives better and faster.

Acknowledgement and Feedback

(Blocks also separable)

Acknowledgement and Feedback

Motivational factors, recognise and analyse situation, benefits of acknowledgement, Leadership with acknowledgement / praise, benefits from constructive feedback, feedback rules, constructive feedback and awareness, interaction with colleagues, use skills at the right time

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership

DISG model, personality types: Influence and handling in different leadership situations

Coaching 1


Leadership styles, definition of coaching, benefits and roles, assigning responsibilities to tasks, learning to assess potentials, picking up employees, SMART, introduction of coaching process

Coaching 2

Coaching learnvision

Coaching process, self-analysis Coaching, recognizing coaching situations, situation-related and long-term coaching discussions (e. g. annual employee interviews, target agreement), solution-oriented communication, increase competencies of others, continuous employee development, coaching in the team and in the organization

Learning-Transfer-Tools for Managers

Learning-Transfer-Tools for Managers

pragmatic application tools, especially for managers, use of the same learning models for more targeted support, different ways of implementation

Note: Further seminars can be found in the section Leadership / Talents.

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.