Sales at Top Level

Sales Introduction

Develop your sales sustainable

Impact studies in the sales environment clearly show that the biggest challenge in sales is the different levels of salespeople:

Approx. 20% of the sellers generate about 80% of the results.

Since strategies, processes and specialist competencies are usually well developed, this great potential can best be developed through sustainable competence development.

Selecting the right actions for your situation, needs and targets and implementing an efficient training solution with a focus on sustainability and impact are the core tasks of LearnVision. Our objective is to ensure that your sales force successfully operates on the market and “fits” for the new challenges (including digitization, Industry 4.0).

Our exclusive partner, Success Analytics, has been dedicated to measuring and implementing learning for more than 25 years worldwide. The resulting know-how already helps more than 5,000 companies to analyse and successfully control their HRD processes and training. Studies of particularly successful projects and actions are separately analysed at Success Analytics to determine the implementation success factors and the best-practice skills that have a sustainable impact – the foundation of our performance for you. Take advantage of this know-how exclusively at LearnVision to efficiently implement success-relevant learning content, divided into the following areas:

  • Value / Digital Selling
  • Successful negotiations
  • Account management
  • Professionally selling
  • Management and Coaching
Highlights from our learning methodology
  • Research with successful ROI-based skills and a clear focus on sustainability and impact
  • Highly practical, research-based C3 learning model for best learning transfer Request our study.
  • Learning mix: classroom, e-learning, virtual classroom training (VCT), blended learning
  • Methods and tools for managers to increase skills in the work place (Reinforce from 20% to 80%).
  • TTT-capable to transfer the know-how to you
  • ACTIV approach for a successful implementation

From the seminar for beginners to the seminar “Selling on Executive Level” we support you with our comprehensive qualifications. The trainings are designed for sales, marketing and managers/executives. The learning content and implementation are customized to your needs based on your strategy, individual performance levels of your employees and the learning culture in your company and with a focus on sustainability. The result is performance-related learning content, which is implemented by using the C3 model according to the latest psychological learning methods and as needed in a learning mix (classroom, virtual or blended with e-learning).

To ensure a high level of sustainability, all our best-practice based trainings include pre-study, research-based learning materials, practice references and learning-transfer-tools. Our ACTIV-tools support the managers and the organization in the successful implementation.

Overview Learning concepts

Learning Process - LearnVision

* Training with Best-Practice-Skills as Learning mix and match: Classroom trainings, e-learning, VCT, blended learning

Please ask for details and our sustainable research.

Overview Learning concepts

Learning Process - LearnVision

* Training with Best-Practice-Skills as Learning mix and match: Classroom trainings, e-learning, VCT, blended learning

Please ask for details and our sustainable research.

Business Workshops (NEW)
  • Objective: professionally develop customer potential with external support to increase your sales
  • Trainers from your branch of industry support your sales and / or business leaders to achieve their objectives.
  • Professional preparation, implementation and follow-up for qualitative implementation with learning transfer to ensure sustainability.

We are happy to provide further information


of sales people do not meet their sales objectives


of the offers do not lead to the order


sales increase to offset 1% margin loss


ROI on a worldwide sales initiative

Sales Digital Selling

Value / Digital Selling

More than 50% of sales managers want sales representatives who can act professionally on a top level at the customer.

More than 90% of sales managers want sales people who can deal professionally with new trends (such as digitization, P2S, Next Level Selling).

Overview of our globally successful “Top-Level Sales Trainings” that can be customized to your requirements to ensure greater learning success:

Value based Selling (VBS)

Value based Selling (VBS)

Customer orientation from the customer’s point of view, understand Value-Based Selling, dialogue preparation, opening of sales dialogue, VBS questioning techniques, needs analysis, techniques to close sale, dealing with customer objections, persuasion techniques, new customer acquisition

Solution Selling

Solution Selling

Value chains, consultative vs. value selling, creating solution profiles: structuring customer and sales knowledge, dealing with competitive strategies, difficult objections and stumbling blocks, customer-specific value messages, interactive development

Economical Selling

Economical Selling

Economical selling, business administration for sellers (legal form, balance sheet, profit, etc.), influence on sales: business arguments, economic considerations, TCO, from the customer balance to the concept / offer

Business Impact Selling NEW

Economical Selling

Roles and perspectives of decision makers, BIS process, basic business knowledge, profiling for top-level-selling, involving decision-makers Analyse implementation solutions, show decision makers an impact

Introduce new Products in the Market

Introduce new Products in the Market

Develop value chains, solution profiles for your solution in relation to markets, target groups against competitors, work out exclusive benefits, value proposition, dealing with stumbling blocks / objections, implementation strategy

Win new Customers

Win new Customers

Market analysis, selecting potential customers, value proposition (approach), way and media for making an appointment, special features of the initial conversation: conversation control, awake curiosity, overcoming indifference, managing the sales process

Digital Selling (NEW)

Digital Selling

Challenges in digitalization for customers and sales, integration with customer planning processes, 5-C model, value chain: impact hypotheses / impact analyses, digital selling process, plan strategy, involve decision makers, top-level selling

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Successful negotiations

The biggest influence (1: 4) on the margin is to hold or increase prices. Self-confidently conducting targeted price negotiations is important for any company to assert itself on the market.

Sales Successful Negotiations

Overview of our worldwide negotiation training that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning success:

Planning Negotiations Effectively

Planning Negotiations Effectively

Perspectives of customers / buyers, influencing factors on the margin, differentiation of sale and negotiation, negotiation process, determining the customer’s position, analysing discrepancies, 5 negotiating alternatives, setting negotiating strategies and limits, individual and interactive negotiation plan

Manage Negotiations Professionally

Manage Negotiations Professionally

4-win strategy, understanding customer view during negotiations, influencing factors on the margin, negotiation process, own attitude during the price discussion, professionally implementing the negotiation plan, negotiation call: from opening a sales dialogue through price argumentation to concluding a contract, dealing with obstacles

Dealing with Tactics

Dealing with Tactics

4-win strategy, customer view in difficult negotiations, influencing factors on the margin, dealing with difficult negotiation calls, 16 top tactics of customers / buyers, identifying tactics, dealing professionally with the tactics, enforcing prices

Increase Prices

Increase Prices

4-win strategies with regard to increasing prices, arguments for the price increase, customer strategies, positioning with the customer, conducting price increase dialogues, defusing stumbling blocks

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Sales Account management

Account management

Results-oriented Account Management generates long-term, loyal customers. Loyal customers are buying more, paying higher / reasonable prices, recommending your business, and gladly implement new projects with you.

Overview of our worldwide results-oriented Account Management trainings that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning success:

Account Target Management

Account Target Management

Complete analysis of customers, identify profit and cost centres, manage value chains, cross-sell, manage influencing factors, identify key players, evaluate potentials and turn them into sales opportunities (Account Strategy)

Cross Selling, Up-Selling

Cross Selling, Up-Selling

Analyse the customers’ organizational structure, assign your solutions to the customer’s areas, analyse contacts, identify cross-selling opportunities, develop sales plans

Key Account Management

Key Account Management

KAM strategy in your company, analysis KAM model: market / customers / contacts, motive analysis, SWOT strategies, multi-level selling: internally in the team and externally at all levels, team selling, planning sales strategy

Maximize your Opportunities (NEW)

Maximize your Opportunities

Finance in sales, understanding the decision-makers’ perspective, profiling for impact selling (decision-maker level), aligning sales style with customer profiling, showing decision-makers’ effects, dealing with top decision-makers, getting buy-in decisions, becoming a Business C Partner

Business Partner

Business Partner

From “status” supplier to problem solver to business partner, 4-win model, value chains, success factors, network expansion, your role in sales, motives of the contact person, multi-channel selling, strategy / milestones planning

Deepen Customer Relations I

Deepen Customer Relations I

Human / business model, definition of performance criteria from the customer’s point of view (objective and emotional), key activities from the customer’s point of view, optimizations and phases of customer relations

Deepen Customer Relations II

Deepen Customer Relations II

Conducting customer surveys through sales, clarification and optimization of customer care

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Professionally selling

Professional sales skills give your sellers the assurance of being perceived as a partner with your customers – sustainable motivation and success are the results.

Sales Professional Selling

An overview of our worldwide sales trainings that can be customized to your needs to ensure greater learning success:

Personality in Sale

Personality in Sale

Understand buying decisions, sales psychology, latest brain research, understanding customer decisions, emotional sales, relationship building, customer typologies (DISG), convince others

Relationships in Sales

Relationships in Sales

4-win-model: business and emotional factors as the basis of relationships, customer types and motives, network maintenance: national / international, team selling, key activities to build trust, generate customer loyalty

Rhetoric on Sale

Rhetoric on Sale

Communication models for sales, effective communication, rhetorical handling of obstacles

Presentation Techniques I

Presentation Techniques I

Presentations Excellence I, frame and structure all presentation objectives, analysis of participants, motives of the participants, possible objections of the participants, participant analysis tool, dealing with difficult participants, use of different presentation media

Presentation Techniques II

Presentation Techniques II

Presentations Excellence Advanced, structure of presentations, confident manner, verbal and nonverbal communication, conscious body language, deal with stage fright, questioning techniques, rhetorical devices, effective visualisation methods, moderation tools

Area and Sales Management

Area and Sales Management

Use CRM and market analysis to analyse potential in the market / area / region, classify and prioritize customers, plan objectives and activities, set milestones

Trade Fair training

Trade Fair training

Visitor / customer approach: success factors, dealing with visitors, approach concept, methods for establishing effective contacts, question techniques for objective-oriented dialogues, body language and outward appearance, define priorities and efficiency before, on and after the trade fair

Time and Priority Management

Time and Priority Management

Analyse strengths / weaknesses, prioritize and delegate your own tasks, set realistic objectives, identify time-wasters, optimize active sales time

Use Stress in Sales Positively

Use Stress in Sales Positively

Development of stress, stressors (distress, eustress), emotion-oriented and problem-oriented coping, dyadic coping, work-life-balance, managing stress positively

Complaints management

Complaints management

Human / business model and 4-win model: factual and emotional level of the complaint, “WIN BACK” methods for a professional, solution-oriented handling of the complaint, find positive call termination



Explain sales pipeline, analysis and levers, forecasts, presentation of success, managing pipeline

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Sales Management and Coaching

Management and Coaching

Our studies from 500 selected projects show that managers have the greatest impact on sustainability. We develop your managers as “promoters and supporters“.

Overview of our worldwide developed trainings for sales managers, customized to meet your needs for greater learning success:

Acknowledgement and Feedback

(Blocks also separable)

Acknowledgement and Feedback

Motivational factors, recognise and analyse situation, benefits of acknowledgement, Leadership with acknowledgement / praise, benefits from constructive feedback, feedback rules, constructive feedback and awareness, interaction with colleagues, use skills at the right time

Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership

DISG model, personality types: Influence and handling in different leadership situations

Coaching 1

Coaching 1

Leadership styles, definition of coaching, benefits and roles, assigning responsibilities to tasks, learning to assess potentials, picking up employees, SMART, introduction of coaching process

Coaching 2

Coaching 2

Coaching process, self-analysis Coaching, recognizing coaching situations, situation-related and long-term coaching discussions (e. g. annual employee interviews, target agreement), solution-oriented communication, increase competencies of others, continuous employee development, coaching in the team and in the organization

Learning-Transfer-Tools for Managers

Learning-Transfer-Tools for Managers

pragmatic application tools, especially for managers, use of the same learning models for more targeted support, different ways of implementation

Note: Further seminars can be found in the section Leadership / Talents.

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.