
Consulting - Introduction

Passion for your future!

LearnVision – Your strategy implementer

Together with us you will find the right training solution that will help you to achieve your strategic and economic objectives successfully – better and faster than your competitors.

Success Analytics analyses thousands of training concepts worldwide for success-relevant content, success factors for learning transfer and their effects on the key figures, and uses them to create sample processes for implementation, including benchmarks.

This know-how from more than 5,000 projects and our many years of experience in customized human resources development form the basis for our ACTIV consulting  – from practice for your practice, locally and worldwide.

Use our expertise and maximize the effects for your company and thus your competitive advantage:

Our knowledge – your benefit

HIT: High-Impact-Training with success-relevant learning content for sustainable impact.

Achievements for you:

  • Modern leadershipto achieve your objectives
  • Develop and attracting talents
  • Using modern media to train more flexible, modern and cost-efficient
  • Coordinated learning systems to increase effectiveness at all levels in sales, marketing and service
  • Analyse learning processes better
HIT - High Impact Training
HIT - High Impact Training


higher cross selling rate among project managers


higher price increase than planned


more sales in Europe than competitors


ROI on a global initiative

Overview Consulting

Overview „ACTIV Consulting” for your success:

Important aspects of our „ACTIV-Consulting“ are presented as an overview and some aspects are explained in detail below.

We would be glad to explain you the benefits of the individual components or the effectsof the entire ACTIV-Process for your organization.

A C T I V – Consulting

A – Analysis

Objective: Analysis and coordination of the situation, learning culture, objectives and feasibility

Building blocks, core aspects

C – Conception

Objective: Develop a concept to implement requirements in a sustainable and result-oriented manner according to the analysis

Building blocks, core aspects

T – Training content

Objective: Customize success-relevant learning content according to learning culture and situation

Building blocks, core aspects

I – Implementation

Objective: Ensure sustainable implementation

Building blocks, core aspects

V – Verify

Objective: Evaluate to prove success and to identify optimization potential

Building blocks, core aspects

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.


A – Analysis

Understanding your business, your processes, your learning needs and your learning culture is the key to your and our success.

Linking business with learning objectives

The analysis model describes the link of your situation with the program objectives and the evaluation. We are happy to explain this exclusive approach to the learning-, transfer- and effect-levels in detail.

Impact Matrix
Impact Matrix

Impact Matrix

The Impact Matrix, based on 500 successful impact projects, illustrates the research findings of the last 15 years to link company-relevant key figures with investments in typical training activities.

This know-how particularly supports our customers in their transfer to practice and impact analysis.

Impact Matrix

The Impact Matrix, based on 500 successful impact projects, illustrates the research findings of the last 15 years to link company-relevant key figures with investments in typical training activities.

This know-how particularly supports our customers in their transfer to practice and impact analysis.

Impact Matrix
Impact Matrix


Only benchmark data will tell you how well you have implemented a training. Based on analysis of thousands of projects, LearnVision collected comprehensive benchmark data for the most varied industries, from seminar quality to effectiveness. We are happy to advise you on what a business training proposal with benchmark data for your training / project might look like.


C – Conception

Based on the requirements you have, we develop

a customized concept with a focus on sustainability and impact,

taking into account your learning culture and the budget.

Implementation know-how from more than 5000 projects for your success

“If you want to play in the Champions League, you need training along the way – just watching the Champions League is not enough.”

Learning transfer will only be successful if all participants (human resource development, participants, managers and trainers) are involved optimal in the learning process (before, during and after). The graph shows you 5 key factors to ensure success.

We are happy to show you what an effective implementation can look like for you. We are looking forward to your contact!

Learning paths
Learning paths
Learning Paths
Learning Paths

Learning Paths

Teaching of learning through trainings and seminars can do many service providers. The deciding factor is the development of success-relevant learning content and a learning paths, that lead participants to sustainable success.

Learning Paths give learners and leaders guidance in learning and application and can usually be well integrated into a learning management system. The learning paths are adapted to the company’s needs for each situation and objective. The example serves as an illustration:

We are glad to create customized learning paths for you. We are looking forward to your contact!

Learning Paths

Teaching of learning through trainings and seminars can do many service providers. The deciding factor is the development of success-relevant learning content and a learning paths, that lead participants to sustainable success.

Learning Paths give learners and leaders guidance in learning and application and can usually be well integrated into a learning management system. The learning paths are adapted to the company’s needs for each situation and objective. The example serves as an illustration:

We are glad to create customized learning paths for you. We are looking forward to your contact!

Learning Paths
Learning Paths

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.

Consulting-Training content

T – Training content

The frame is set, now it goes into details. Which learning content is relevant to success now and in the future? Which learning content should be prioritized to ensure learning transfer? Which training implementation will be most appropriate? Corresponding analyses, tools and discussions help to exactly concretise the learning content in type and volume and to define the development and/or customization.

Only customized learning content, which is immediately helpful for the practice of the participants, are applied directly and bring the desired success.

Success-relevant learning content for your context

A 2-day standard seminar can bring success. But maybe it would only take 1 day to ensure the same success, because different learning content has no relevance in the workplace. If necessary, the 2nd day could have been used to ensure the learning transfer.

According to our findings from more than 5,000 projects, it is possible to link which learning content can achieve which effect. Conversely, we use these insights for you, in order to define the success-relevant learning content for your task due to the desired effect – a basic requirement for your effective, sustainable solution.

Funnel Model
Funnel Model
Customization for your success
Customization for your success

4-step customization – is in our DNA

What sets us apart from a standard supplier is the long-term partnership and implementation of our know-how in the context of your business, values and culture. We know that customization in the customer context counts. Customization is in our DNA so that we can translate it faster, better and with greater impact for you.

The 4-step customization and our own specially trained training designers support our customers in their specific designs for a corporate and strategy-compliant training initiative. Depending on the learning culture, the situation, the objective and the budget, a target group-specific learning path with learning mix (classroom, virtual, e-learning, blended) is developed and customizedin all details, e.g. Case studies, role-plays, learning transfer tools for employees and managers and action plans. Always with the objective to ensure an optimal transfer of learning for the practice.

4-step customization – is in our DNA

What sets us apart from a standard supplier is the long-term partnership and implementation of our know-how in the context of your business, values and culture. We know that customization in the customer context counts. Customization is in our DNA so that we can translate it faster, better and with greater impact for you.

The 4-step customization and our own specially trained training designers support our customers in their specific designs for a corporate and strategy-compliant training initiative. Depending on the learning culture, the situation, the objective and the budget, a target group-specific learning path with learning mix (classroom, virtual, e-learning, blended) is developed and customizedin all details, e.g. Case studies, role-plays, learning transfer tools for employees and managers and action plans. Always with the objective to ensure an optimal transfer of learning for the practice.

Customization for your success
Customization for your success

Learning mix

After customization the relevant learning content, the question arises of the best implementation methodology. Depending on the target groups, learning culture, learning needs and strategy, the most effective approach will be adapted from the implementation variants (classroom, e-learning, virtual, blended). Our impact studies help you to find the best cost / benefit method for the participants and your business.


I – Implementation is Key

Standard trainings are designed well, the participants learn many new learning content, but apply it only conditionally. Transfer analyses show that only about 20% of participants use what they have learned in practice 10 weeks after training. How can the other 80% be more involved?


Sustainability and Impact

For years, our exclusive partner, the Success Analytics, analyses sustainability and its impact on businesses. 500 successful projects were compared regarding the optimal learning process. The results are important with sometimes surprising findings.

You can use the Matrix to prioritize your understanding of the learning culture in your organization. What do you think? In your opinion, what is the greatest relevance for optimized learning transfer with high impact? Where is the least relevance? Enter a “1” in the field of your greatest importance. Make an appropriate assessment for all other fields by assigning the rankings “2” (second largest importance) to “9” (lowest importance). No number should be used twice.

Example: If you think that the coach has the greatest influence during the training, a “1” comes in the middle of the matrix

You can then compare your results with our research by requesting the learning transfer matrix exclusively from us or participating in a webinar. Make an appointment now.

Local and worldwide implementation

Customers in all industries are thinking and acting more and more globally. Corporate strategies and processes are globally harmonized to create synergiesand serve customers everywhere in the same way.

Globalization and digitization guide your organization to a consistent sales approach and a consistent sales language. Thus, worldwide marketing concepts for your products / services can be implemented more easily and successfully – as well as international training programs.

As with other global strategy implementations (e. g. CRM), there are obstacles in international projects, especially in local implementation. A good “culture and implementation analysis” in the countries gives you important information on how the concept can be successfully implemented globally and locally. Other important aspects to watch out for, so that international implementation can be successful, are:

  • Analysis and involvement of all parties worldwide, to come from lip service to conscious local implementation
  • Customized central concept as a learning system with local adaptability
  • Local trainers in national languages who think globally and act locally
  • Local trainers who can deliver customized learning content are managed centrally
  • Central / local project management to optimize learning processes and create “learning channels”.

We are happy to show you how successful worldwide projects are implemented, which benefits are generated and answer your questions. Talk to us, we are always available for an initial meeting

Contact us! We are just a click or number ([+49] 211 53 883 422) away or request our case studies or projects.


V – Verify

Global Leaders in EvaluationTM

Professional measurement systems not only provide proof of training success, they also indicate sustainability, effectsand future optimization potential. The 5-Level measurement system, available exclusively from LearnVision, additionally supports you with tools (including scorecards, learning maps), processes and benchmarksto make your measurements easy and credible.


5-Level measuring system, LearnVision exclusive

Based on the model of Donald Kirkpatrick extended by Jack Phillips 5-Level measuring system is the basis of our evaluation.

For over 30 years, Success Analytics has been analysing learning processes, defining success factors, best practice processes and application tools for easy measurement. The following process shows you the steps to credibly represent your training success in isolation from other influencing factors:

ROI- Process
ROI- Process

Use our exclusive know-how for your credible proof of success with benchmarks. We look forward to hearing from you

5-Level measuring system
5-Level Measuring System

5-Level measuring system, LearnVision exclusive

Based on the model of Donald Kirkpatrick extended by Jack Phillips 5-Level measuring system is the basis of our evaluation.

5-Level measuring system
5-Level Measuring System

For over 30 years, Success Analytics has been analysing learning processes, defining success factors, best practice processes and application tools for easy measurement. The following process shows you the steps to credibly represent your training success in isolation from other influencing factors:

ROI- Process
ROI- Process

Use our exclusive know-how for your credible proof of success with benchmarks. We look forward to hearing from you

Proof of success

Achievements can be well-made for a training or project using the methods of the process above. Results are presented with benchmarks e.g. in form of meaningful reports, training scorecards, training case proposals, learning level cards, etc.. We are happy to introduce you a suitable tool based on your framework. We look forward to hearing from you

Note: In order to monitor all your HR development work and to present your achievements, we recommend you to visit